Daemen University Offers Hundreds of Possibilities
Daemen is a private university located in Amherst, N.Y., offering undergraduate and graduate-level degrees both on campus and online. Daemen students and alums move their vision forward and shape their local and global communities. Founded in 1947, Daemen offers over 65 undergraduate programs with limitless opportunities. Students choose Daemen University for exceptional academic preparation and career outcomes, personalized support services, and experiential learning — including study abroad, internships, and clinical placements. • No SAT? No ACT? No Problem! Daemen is100 percent test optional. • ALL STUDENTS receive merit scholarships. • WNY’s Premier NCAA Division II Athletics Program, featuring 17 intercollegiate teams. Innovative Programs Daemen’s depth and breadth of exceptional programs include majors, specialized minors and concentrations, and pre-professional programs that put students on the career path to top occupations with impressive salaries, consistent pay growth, and strong future prospects. Experience a life-changing education in a supportive environment that will welcome, challenge and inspire you. Explore just some of its innovative programs, including: Animation Criminal Justice Cytotechnology Education Nursing Paralegal Studies Physical Therapy Physician Assistant Pre-Medicine & Pre-Veterinary Social Work Sport Management Supply Chain Management Visual and Performing Arts Linked and 4+1 Undergrad and Grad Degree Programs: Biology/Cytotechnology BS/MS, Health Promotion/Public Health BS/MPH, Physical Therapy BS/DPT, Physician Assistant BS/MS, Social Work BA/MSW, Education majors can earn a Master's in Inclusive Childhood Education. Academic Minors & Certificates Take advantage of all that Daemen has to offer. More than 45 minors are available to complement a major course of study, enhance career opportunities, and enrich your overall academic experience. Boost your professional skills in any major by adding a certificate in Paralegal or Accounting. Experiential Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom Internships, clinical placements, and student teaching provide in-depth experience in professional settings. The Office of Career Services collaborates with employers and organizations to connect students with internship and job opportunities. Daemen facilitates connections with alumni, industry professionals, and employers through networking events, career fairs, and Recruiters on Campus (ROC). Global Experiences The Global Programs Office (GPO) specializes in international study, internships, service learning opportunities, and faculty-led seminars. Programs are offered in more than 30 countries. You may participate in study-abroad experiences during a semester, summer, winter, or spring break. Get Involved on Campus Explore opportunities through the Campus Activities Team (CAT), Student Government Association, Wildcat Media & Entertainment, and a wide array of clubs, organizations, and activities. Fast Facts 13:1 Student-Faculty Ratio Enjoy comfortable classroom settings, deeper learning, greater interaction and the development of lifelong friendships. Daemen’s small class sizes give students the confidence to participate. With support from faculty, motivated students learn to see the world differently. Ideal Location Daemen’s suburban campus is in beautiful Amherst N.Y., just minutes away from the vibrant City of Buffalo. Grants and Scholarships Students who apply to Daemen will be considered for an array of scholarship awards. Grants are also available for students with high-need eligibility. 100 percent of Daemen University students receive some sort of financial aid through support such as generous scholarships and need-based aid. In-Demand Healthcare Programs Many of the University’s programs exceed national averages for success rates on licensure and certification exams for clinical practice. Physical therapy graduates have an ultimate pass rate on the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) above both state and national averages. Physician assistant graduates have a 97 percent first-attempt pass rate on the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants Certification Exam (NCCPA). Programs that Support Mental Health and Community Wellness Through Daemen’s Health Promotion program, become a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) for careers in industry and non-profit settings. A degree in Social Work prepares graduates for work in policy and advocacy for social, environmental and and economic justice. Complete a Master’s in Social Work in just one additional year. Professional social workers are the nation’s largest providers of mental health services. NCAA Division II Athletics Men’s Athletics offerings include basketball, cross country, soccer, tennis, track & field, and volleyball. Women’s Athletics feature basketball, bowling, cheerleading, cross country, lacrosse, soccer, tennis, track & field, triathlon, and volleyball. Return on Investment Students at Daemen University receive a quality education and career preparation at an affordable price. The majority depart with job placement or graduate school acceptance secured. Daemen graduates, no matter what their major, develop with the universal skills in communication, critical thinking and team work that employers are seeking. Spring Open House Visiting the campus is the best way to really get a feel for what Daemen University has to offer. Spring Open House is Saturday, April 27 at 9 am. Register today at Daemen.edu/OpenHouse or text (716) 271-0454.