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Connecticut Financial Aid
For information on the programs outlined below and all types of financial aid available to students in Connecticut, including scholarships, grants, work study, loans, and loan forgiveness programs, contact:
Office for Higher Education
Student Financial Aid
450 Columbus Blvd.
Hartford, CT 06103
Roberta B. Willis Need-Based Scholarship Program
Eligibility – Connecticut residents who are high school seniors or graduates, with a high school junior year class rank of 20 percent or better and/or SAT scores of at least 1200 or ACT score of at least 25. Students must attend a Connecticut public or private, not-for-profit, college or university.
Award – up to $5,250 a year for full-time attendance in a 4-year program, or up to $4,650 a year for full-time attendance in a 2-year program.
Applications are available through the high school guidance office.
Roberta B. Willis Need-Based Grant Program
Eligibility – Connecticut residents who attend a Connecticut public or private, not-for-profit, college or university. Students must also have a federal Student Aid Index (SAI) within the allowable range.
Award – up to $4,500 for full-time study in a 2- or 4-year program of study.
For more information contact the college financial aid office.
Veterans Tuition Waivers
Eligibility – a veteran who has been honorably discharged from the U.S. Armed Forces, has 90 days active military duty during war, has been accepted for admission to a Connecticut public college or university and has resided in Connecticut for at least one year upon enrolling in college.
Award – waiver of tuition at a 2- or 4-year Connecticut public college or university.
College costs other than tuition – such as for books, fees, parking, and room and board – are not waived.
For additional information contact the participating institutions or visit:
The Connecticut Higher Education Supplemental Loan Authority (CHESLA) is a quasi-public state authority created to help students and their families finance the cost of higher education.
Eligibility – Family with student enrolled at least half-time in a CT public or non-profit private college or a CT resident enrolled at least half-time in a public or non-profit private college anywhere in the U.S. may annually borrow up to full cost of education less other aid at a low fixed interest rate of 6.35%. Family only pays interest during in-school years. Upon completion of college, the loan is paid off over 140 months.
Apply through the CT Higher Education Supplemental Loan Authority (CHESLA).
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