Daemen Graduates Are Career Ready
Daemen College student, Violet Lent, always knew that she wanted to be a graphic designer. She also knew that sitting in a cubicle wouldn’t work to her strengths. She wanted to find a non-traditional internship placement that catered to her personal and professional goals. Lent’s desire for a unique internship was supported by the faculty at Daemen. “One of my professors introduced the internship at the Buffalo Museum of Science to me,” she said. “The museum employed an in-house designer and needed an intern for the semester. I was excited to have the opportunity to work in such a unique setting.” In addition to supporting the museum with graphic needs, Lent worked on an interactive exhibit that allowed children to create and design items while exploring the process of creating and building objects entirely out of cardboard. “It was great watching the kids create and build,” said Lent. “It gave me an entirely new perspective on design.” At Daemen, the office of Community Engagement helps students engage in co-curricular activities to connect their education outside of the classroom. The experience at the museum provided Lent the opportunity to strengthen her résumé and gain work experience within the community. Daemen College prepares students for the real world. “It is important to be a good student but it is also important to be a creative and contributing member of the community,” said Patricia Brown, PhD, Vice President of Enrollment at Daemen. “Daemen graduates are ready to assume important roles in their field of study and in society. We want each of our students to work in their field, challenge themselves and find out where their strengths are.” Daemen knows what employers expect and makes sure students develop the professionalism, excellent communication skills, and the ability to solve problems that they need to be successful. Gaining work experience before they graduate helps Daemen students build successful careers, and meet the challenges of tomorrow. This philosophy has helped Daemen College to once again be named a College of Distinction ™ for its exemplary commitment to: Engaged Students, Excellence in Teaching, a Vibrant Community and Successful Outcomes. Daemen students are engaged in learning through: internships for credit clinical and field experiences global education opportunities collaborative research with faculty service learning positions. Generous scholarships make attending Daemen affordable. Financial aid packages — over 95 percent of full-time undergraduate students receive some type of financial assistance — result in the cost of a Daemen education being comparable to the cost of a public university. Daemen’s merit awards are based on the student’s academic and extracurricular achievements, and there are grants for families with high-need eligibility. Daemen offers over 50 majors, including: accounting BS/MS; animation, art, arts administration BS/MS; athletic training BS/MS; biochemistry, biology, biology/cytotechnology BS/MS; business administration, business administration/international business BS/MS; education, English, French, graphic design, health promotion, health promotion/public health BS/MS; history, history and political science, mathematics, natural sciences, nursing, paralegal, physical therapy, physician assistant, psychology, religious studies, social work, Spanish, sustainability (global and local) and more. Pre-professional programs include: pre-dentistry, pre-law, pre-medicine, pre-pharmacy and pre-veterinary. Daemen’s suburban campus is located on Main Street in Amherst. Visit Daemen, that’s the best way to really get a “feel” for what Daemen College is all about. Individual visits are available Monday–Saturday. For more information, or to schedule a campus visit, call (716) 839-8225 or go to daemen.edu/visit . For a virtual tour go to: daemen.edu/virtualtour .