Experiential and interdisciplinary learning are at the heart of a Hiram College education. From day one, students are immersed in diverse learning environments that allow for hands-on experiences inside and outside of the classroom, as well as within their chosen area of study and across other areas of study. Paired with real relationships with professors, staff, and peers, students have flexibility throughout their educational journey and unlimited opportunities to recognize, develop, and take ownership of their desires and interests. When they graduate from Hiram, students are prepared to embark on a unique career path, ready to work, and ready for what’s next.
The Hiram Plan and Experiential Learning
The College’s unique semester structure called the Hiram Plan, gives students the opportunity to transition classroom knowledge into real-world experiences. The first 12 weeks of the semester consist of a full course load. For the final three weeks of the semester, students focus on a single, intensive course in the classroom, in the field, or abroad. Internships, research, and global understanding top the list of experiences that employers desire for college graduates. That’s why all Hiram students are required to complete an internship in an area of interest, go on a study away or study abroad trip, or conduct independent research with a faculty member. Unlike many colleges that outsource study-abroad trips or coordinate them through third parties, Hiram’s own faculty members plan and lead each trip.
Most programs are team-taught by two or more faculty members from different disciplines and cover multiple areas of study. In terms of research, Hiram’s Office of Scholarly Endeavors supports and celebrates student research, scholarship, and creative inquiry across its many disciplines and majors. To that end, the Office is the home of multiple, non-departmental specific initiatives and programs with a significant student research component or emphasis.
Many students work alongside faculty in their research labs to complete independent research projects.
Hiram College Athletics
Almost 50 percent of all students on Hiram’s campus are collegiate athletes. This means it is possible (and encouraged!) to be a student athlete and prioritize, succeed, and participate in your classes and social activities. Hiram is also committed to fostering intellectual excellence and social responsibility within each of its students. To fulfill Hiram’s commitment, the College has a strong network of academic support resources for all students, including athletes. Students can utilize free tutoring, experience professors and coaches working collaboratively for the benefit of the student, and know that athletics will not conflict with their academics. Hiram’s academic support resources ease the unique challenges collegiate athletes face.
James H. Barrow Biological Field Station
One of Hiram’s greatest treasures is the James H. Barrow Biological Field Station, a 550-acre ecologically diverse, natural “classroom,” located just three miles from the main campus. As an active research and educational facility, the Field Station provides opportunities for students of all majors to increase their understanding and appreciation of nature through hands-on work — an opportunity that can’t be found on most campuses. Student workers can learn trail maintenance and grounds keeping, assist with small construction projects, engage in field-based research, assist with nature education programs for children and adults, and care for onsite animal ambassadors and injured/orphaned wildlife through the wildlife rehabilitation program. Students can also create their own research projects with the help of faculty and Field Station staff to enhance their learning. These projects can even be used to fulfill their internship requirement for graduation.
Campus Involvement
There’s no better way to show your commitment to your community, develop your strengths, and identify areas of improvement than being involved on campus. Hiram has more than 25 clubs and organizations for students to get involved with. Joining clubs and organizations during your time as a student is also a great way to gain needed leadership and organizational skills, all while doing something you enjoy. Hiram’s student leaders develop skills that transfer into the real-world. As a Hiram student, the College doesn’t want you to only have a fun time, it wants you to be prepared for the future.
Most organizations look to hire employees that are well-rounded, knowledgeable in their field, and have hands-on experience. And when searching for a college, prospective students are often interested in knowing if they will be able to successfully land a job beyond graduation. Hiram provides students with the experiences they need to do just that because it knows that they are more likely to be employed post-graduation if they complete hands-on experiences during their academic career.
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